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Prins Afc Software V2 Electronic Cigarette

카테고리 없음

by fulllapworkke1970 2020. 3. 16. 12:34


.With every purchase of a starter kit at V2 cigs, you will also get a User manual that can guide you on how to use it. It is recommended that you read your User’s Manual fully before use. But we will summarize the guide here for easy reading.Most electronic cigarettes are made up of two parts and V2 cigs also followed this. The cartridges and the batteries. The cartridges hold the E-liquid and the batteries power in order to make vapor.If you bought a V2 disposable E-cig, then you need nothing to do but to start puffing and vaping the moment you open the package as they are ready to use.

If you chose to buy starter kits or E-cigarettes that can be use many times, then follow the instructions below.To start using your V2 ecigs, simply get your battery ready and make sure it has a charge. Remove the “stay fresh” caps from the ends of V2 flavor cartridges and screw it gently onto the battery.

Make sure it is screwed tight and then you can kick start your V2 cigs by taking a few long puffs.When you take a puff of on your V2 electronic cigarette the battery will heat up the liquid that contains the flavoring (such as tobacco, menthol, cherry, vanilla, or java), a humectant (typically propylene glycol or vegetable glycerin) and, sometimes, nicotine. This in turn produce a thick consistent vapor with each subsequent puff.As you inhale, you get a “dose” of your nicotine and satisfy your craving for it – without those 1000 toxic chemicals (including 60 that are cancerous) traditional cigarettes have. You also get the oral satisfaction of bringing a cigarette-like device to your mouth, which other nicotine replacements, such as the patch or gum, do not offer. Every time you press your V2 cigs to your lips and inhale, the LED light at the tip will glow just like the tip of a burning cigarette.If you order a V2 e-cig manual battery, it will have a manual switch on.

Puffs cant work on this one, you need to pressed this switch first to activate the batteries. Some vapers love this as they have the control over the thickness of vapor they will get,It’s that easy! Now all you need to do is Relax and enjoy the rich smooth V2 vapor.Important battery user’s guide:– Your V2 Cigs rechargeable electronic cigarette batteries comes fully charged when delivered to you. So you dont need to do initial charging just to enjoy vaping your V2 ecigs.


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– Your V2 batteries must be always be fully charged 2-4 hours before you use it.Important cartridges user’s guide:– Each V2 flavor cartridges is estimately equivalent to one pack of cigarettes. This conveniently allows you to use your V2 on the go. Instead of lugging around a thick cigarette box and lighter, a single V2 battery and cartridge combo can go with you anywhere, and can last roughly as long as a full pack of tobacco cigarettes.